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Retirement word.jpg
Retirement: (ri-ˈtī(-ə)r-mənt) -noun.

The withdrawal from one's position or occupation or from active working life.

Retiring can be a bittersweet experience. There is the joy of starting a new chapter in life with new challenges. At the same time you are leaving behind friends and acquaintances you have worked with for years. You are also leaving behind a a sense of familiarity with your life. So what do you do after the retirement party and the company send off? Don't worry there is more to life after retirement than rocking chairs and early bird specials.

Life After Retirement

Today's seniors are more healthy and living longer than in previous decades. More thought has to go into planning for retirement. Not just financial planning but what are you going to do with the rest of your life. Are you going to start a business, volunteer, work part time or travel the world.
Retirement working.jpg
  • Teach a class – You may still qualify to teach a class at a local junior college even if you don't have a teaching degree. Or, set up shop and teach out of your home or at a local community center. See what knowledge you have that might be of interest and benefit to others.
  • Be a computer consultant - Even if your former job was not in computer programming you have skills that others are desperate to learn. Offer your servies to to small businesses or teach other retirees one-on-one.
  • Use your skills - Maybe your sewing skills would be serviceable in a seamstress business of your own. Make formal dresses or custom home fashions for others. Designing can start a whole new life for yourself.
  • Take a class - Learn to draw, paint, make ceramic art, write, or any other type of art or craft you've always wanted to try. Even if you never go into full time business with it, you will have an enjoyable and fulfilling way to spend your time.
  • Volunteer - You don't have to be young to add to someone else's life. If your grandchildren live far away you can still spend time being a grandparent. There are lots of children who are not fortunate enough to have grandparents. They would not only enjoy having someone care about them they could even grow from the experience to be more than what they thought they could. Being a friend to a young person who is struggling in life can make a difference.

What every you do with your retirement years don't be afraid to try something new. You've lived your life, but being retired doesn't mean your life is over. On the contrary, you're just getting started. Be bold. Be courageous. Be daring. But, by all means, be yourself, and go for what you most want out of this world.

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